In the last 10 years in my city many are introduced to Multi Level Marketing business, and this year there are three companies that are active in developing its business. from three companies that now compete to recruit as many members as possible. Kompetisipun even wide open. But of the three supply companies that, none of which I follow, my reasons for not participating in that business because:
1. Because the large capital required according to my size.
2. Each month is needed to cover the points (shop), because if you do not shop can not take the bonus offered.
3. Too much is demanded every day activities and work to build the network as much as possible.
A third reason that makes me not interested in offering business.
But this year I will be doing Multi Level Markating business activities offered by my friend from the city of Bandung. There are several reasons why I want to join?
1. To join a small capital
2. No closing points, meaning that every month I have no obligation to buy.
3. Network development has just duplicate the second member.
So with this system is very easy to feel loss if I did not join, and other considerations in my city no one running a business from bidding companies.
Terimakasih atas informasinya Gan,,Tutorial yang bagus.
BalasHapusKeep Blogging,,,.
Jangan Lupa Komnet Balik ya,,
nice share